Brexit, Dunkirk and a Britain Where the Past Shapes the Future
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The Left’s Big Problem: Ken Livingstone and talking about Hitler and the Jews
Continue Reading The Left’s Big Problem: Ken Livingstone and talking about Hitler and the Jews

The Long Suicide of Scottish and British Labour Hurts Us All
Continue Reading The Long Suicide of Scottish and British Labour Hurts Us All

Where is the Jeremy Corbyn Labour Party revolution going to end?
Continue Reading Where is the Jeremy Corbyn Labour Party revolution going to end?

The Problem with Britain and Why It Can’t Be Tidily Put Back Together
Continue Reading The Problem with Britain and Why It Can’t Be Tidily Put Back Together

The Labour Party: that pillar of the British constitution doesnt have a right to exist

A Very British Coup: The rise of Theresa May could see the end of the UK
Continue Reading A Very British Coup: The rise of Theresa May could see the end of the UK

Nine Months in the Death of Labour: A Response to the Corbynistas
Continue Reading Nine Months in the Death of Labour: A Response to the Corbynistas

Whatever happens, Britain has already left the building
Continue Reading Whatever happens, Britain has already left the building

Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Question of Europe, the UK and Scotland
Continue Reading Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Question of Europe, the UK and Scotland