The Wider Syria Debate: Challenging Britain’s ‘Empire of the Mind’
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One Year on from the IndyRef: Making the Scotland of the Future
Continue Reading One Year on from the IndyRef: Making the Scotland of the Future

Let Us Face the Future: Labour, Jeremy Corbyn and the Power of the Past
Continue Reading Let Us Face the Future: Labour, Jeremy Corbyn and the Power of the Past

The Summer of the Living Undead: A Labour Party for What?
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The disunited Kingdom and the confusion in Britain’s political elites
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The tartan tsunami and how it will change Scotland and the UK for good
Continue Reading The tartan tsunami and how it will change Scotland and the UK for good

Britain is on Borrowed Time: The Future of Scottish Independence
Continue Reading Britain is on Borrowed Time: The Future of Scottish Independence

What do we do about the United Kingdom? And Why Federalism isn’t the Answer
Continue Reading What do we do about the United Kingdom? And Why Federalism isn’t the Answer

The Battle for Britain and Why Alex Salmond and Independence Has Already Won
Continue Reading The Battle for Britain and Why Alex Salmond and Independence Has Already Won

The Crisis of Grangemouth and What It Says About Scotland and Britain
Continue Reading The Crisis of Grangemouth and What It Says About Scotland and Britain