Why the Nazis and 1930s are alive and kicking in the independence debate?
Why the Nazis and 1930s are alive and kicking in the independence debate? Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, June 11th 2014 The Nazis are on the rise everywhere. They are cited on both sides of the bitter Ukrainian conflict, in places such as Greece and Hungary with neo-Nazi and fascist parties, and in some of the outrageous comments of the French Front National and even Ukip’s more extreme fringe. The spectre of the Nazis and fascism have become increasingly omnipotent over the last twenty years to become a defining set of historical and cultural references in the UK, and England in
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The Crisis of BBC Scotland – A Lack of Vision, Integrity and Accountability
The Crisis of BBC Scotland – A Lack of Vision, Integrity and Accountability Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, June 4th 2014 The independence referendum has thrown a spanner in the works of large parts of institutional Scotland. So far the biggest meltdown has been CBI Scotland becoming a registered ‘No’ supporter, then baulking at the consequences. Another was the maneuvering of SCVO on the second referendum question and then being left on its own when the politicians agreed on a single question. But fast coming up the tracks in the incompetence stakes is BBC Scotland. The latest instance is the
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How less than 200,000 Scots could decide the Referendum
How less than 200,000 Scots could decide the Referendum: Your Cut Out and Paste Guide to the Independence Result Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, May 28th 2014 The Scottish independence referendum campaign starts ‘properly’ this week. All of the last two and a half years have been a mere preliminary or pre-season warm-up to the start of the ‘official’ contest. Therefore, in the manner of those cut out and keep guides to the World Cup and Eurovision here is an analysis to the possible result, different permutations and interpretations of the result, along with some of the consequences. And crucially, how
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George Robertson and the Scots’ Crisis of Unionism
George Robertson and the Scots’ Crisis of Unionism Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, April 16th 2014 Something seems to be seriously wrong in the pro-union campaign, ‘Better Together’. They may still be ahead in the polls, but the gap has narrowed significantly. Two years of dire warnings about the perils of ‘separatism’ and ‘tearing Scotland out the United Kingdom’ have only exposed the threadbare, tetchy character of the pro-union argument so far. In November last year ‘The Economist’ declared the referendum won for the union; now it reflects on the ‘teflon’ qualities of Scottish nationalism, and the incessant ‘pessimism’ of the
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Sceptical Scotland needs to be listened to and respected
Sceptical Scotland needs to be listened to and respected Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, April 9th 2014 There are many Scotlands – generational, by social background, interests, opinions and beliefs. One Scotland that tends to get overlooked is the thoughtful, but sceptical part of our nation – not Yes but not completely No – who look on with bewilderment and an element of confusion at much of what passes for public debate. We owe it to ourselves to reach out and to understand this Scotland. Refrains heard recently from this group include, ‘When will this be over’ and ‘When will it
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