The Brexit Crisis and Problem with Absolute Sovereignty: From the loss of the American Colonies and Ireland to Brexit

Is there any hope for Scottish Labour? And does it matter to the rest of us?
Continue Reading Is there any hope for Scottish Labour? And does it matter to the rest of us?

Scotland’s Independent Story isn’t over: A Review of Yes/No: Inside the Indyref
Continue Reading Scotland’s Independent Story isn’t over: A Review of Yes/No: Inside the Indyref

The ‘F’ word rears its head again: Federalism and Labour
Continue Reading The ‘F’ word rears its head again: Federalism and Labour

1979: The beginning of the end of the ancien regime that ruled Scotland and the UK
Continue Reading 1979: The beginning of the end of the ancien regime that ruled Scotland and the UK

Independence is about more than an indyref. It is about changing minds and Scotland
Continue Reading Independence is about more than an indyref. It is about changing minds and Scotland

We Scots have to start listening to each other
Continue Reading We Scots have to start listening to each other

Salmond, Sturgeon and the End of an Era for the SNP
Continue Reading Salmond, Sturgeon and the End of an Era for the SNP

The Brexit Disaster is an Existential Crisis in the ‘Idea’ of Britain
Continue Reading The Brexit Disaster is an Existential Crisis in the ‘Idea’ of Britain

It was twenty years ago: Scotland, our Parliament and the limits of Devolution
Continue Reading It was twenty years ago: Scotland, our Parliament and the limits of Devolution