The Rise of an English Ideology and the Joys of Reading ‘The Spectator’
Continue Reading The Rise of an English Ideology and the Joys of Reading ‘The Spectator’

Flags and Stramashs in Scotland’s Summer of Independence
Continue Reading Flags and Stramashs in Scotland’s Summer of Independence

After Cameron, Boris and Corbyn: What will Tomorrow’s Leaders Look Like?
Continue Reading After Cameron, Boris and Corbyn: What will Tomorrow’s Leaders Look Like?

The anger about the Iraq Disaster isn’t just about Iraq and Blair
Continue Reading The anger about the Iraq Disaster isn’t just about Iraq and Blair

After Britain: Is Scottish Independence the New Normal?
Continue Reading After Britain: Is Scottish Independence the New Normal?

Nine Months in the Death of Labour: A Response to the Corbynistas
Continue Reading Nine Months in the Death of Labour: A Response to the Corbynistas

Whatever happens, Britain has already left the building
Continue Reading Whatever happens, Britain has already left the building

The Historic Tragedy of Jo Cox and the European Referendum Campaign
Continue Reading The Historic Tragedy of Jo Cox and the European Referendum Campaign

What Future is there for Young Working Class Scotland?
Continue Reading What Future is there for Young Working Class Scotland?

The SNP, Centre-Left Politics and the State of Social Democracy
Continue Reading The SNP, Centre-Left Politics and the State of Social Democracy