The Story of Rose Reilly: A Scottish Football Pioneer
The Story of Rose Reilly: A Scottish Football Pioneer Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, May 29th 2019 Scottish football is on the way up - at the international level, in quality, achievements and in its recognition by others. Our national team has just beaten the mighty Brazil for the first time ever, and if that were not enough, has qualified after a long fallow period for the World Cup finals taking place this summer in France. This is not some parallel universe or fantasy Scotland, but actually what is happening now in women’s football which is currently undergoing a renaissance,
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What does it take to be a good man in Scotland?
What does it take to be a good man in Scotland? Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, August 6th 2014 This is the day after the first gladiatorial debate between Alex Salmond and Alistair Darling - two respectable, rather conventional, men of similar age only divided by the constitutional question. A large part of the independence debate like significant elements of Scottish public life is defined and shaped by gender and in particular, the behaviour, actions and views of some men. For decades Scottish politics, at Westminster level, was a male-only zone; as recently as 1979 only one woman Scottish MP was
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Why are so Many Women’s Voices Missing from Scottish Public Life?
Why are so Many Women’s Voices Missing from Scottish Public Life? Gerry Hassan The Scotsman, December 24th 2011 Scotland was once a masculinised culture and society, a place where men built big, heavy things and large numbers of women stayed at home. We have changed in many respects, and to some the separate worlds of men and women’s work have almost disappeared. This is the feminisation of Scotland to some, seen in the gender revolution that was the first Scottish Parliament which saw record numbers of women MSPs, numerous women Cabinet ministers, and a raft of prominent women
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