We are living through history and we are the history makers
We are living through history and we are the history makers Gerry Hassan Sunday National, July 12th 2020 The UK Government is convulsed in multiple crises - COVID19 and the related coming economic storm - while Brexit still remains unfinished business with a No Deal Brexit still highly likely by the end of this year. If this were not enough, the UK is committing self-harm at the bequest of a government both rudderless and dogmatic. It is treating large parts of England like distant provinces while remembering Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland only when they cause trouble or to keep
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David Cameron: Britain’s worst post-war Prime Minister so far
David Cameron: Britain’s worst post-war Prime Minister so far Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, September 25th 2019 David Cameron has been on our airwaves and TV screens a lot in the past week punting his autobiography ‘For the Record’. We last saw and heard from ‘call me Dave’ a while ago as he has been away in his shed writing his memoirs and waiting for an appropriate moment in the political storms when they could be published. It was only three and a half years ago that Cameron was UK Prime Minister, resigning the morning after the Brexit vote, and it
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