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How do we tell the stories of the past from generation to generation?
Continue Reading How do we tell the stories of the past from generation to generation?

The Death of Tory England and the Decline of The Spectator
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The coming of age of the Scottish Parliament … but has power shifted to the people?
Continue Reading The coming of age of the Scottish Parliament … but has power shifted to the people?

Who postponed the future? Why the power of nostalgia can hurt us all
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The importance of hearing the sounds of silence
Continue Reading The importance of hearing the sounds of silence

Dundee and the Limits of Cultural Regeneration
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How can we change the declining fortunes of Scottish football?
Continue Reading How can we change the declining fortunes of Scottish football?

History cannot be written in stone: Why are public statues important?
Continue Reading History cannot be written in stone: Why are public statues important?

Standing Up to Child Sex Abuse: The Story of David Steel and Cyril Smith
Continue Reading Standing Up to Child Sex Abuse: The Story of David Steel and Cyril Smith

Scotland’s Culture of Colluding with Violence
Continue Reading Scotland’s Culture of Colluding with Violence