The European Debate has only just begun for Scotland and the UK
Continue Reading The European Debate has only just begun for Scotland and the UK

The Appeal and Vision of Tory Britain shouldn’t be underestimated by the left
Continue Reading The Appeal and Vision of Tory Britain shouldn’t be underestimated by the left

Corbyn and Anger: Rage against the Machine is understandable but never ever enough
Continue Reading Corbyn and Anger: Rage against the Machine is understandable but never ever enough

Scotland and Britain Have Changed: The ‘Big Bang’ of the Indy Ref and After
Continue Reading Scotland and Britain Have Changed: The ‘Big Bang’ of the Indy Ref and After

One Year on from the IndyRef: Making the Scotland of the Future
Continue Reading One Year on from the IndyRef: Making the Scotland of the Future

Let Us Face the Future: Labour, Jeremy Corbyn and the Power of the Past
Continue Reading Let Us Face the Future: Labour, Jeremy Corbyn and the Power of the Past

Time for an Independence of the Scottish Mind
Continue Reading Time for an Independence of the Scottish Mind

A People’s Revolt in Labour but where will it end?
Continue Reading A People’s Revolt in Labour but where will it end?

‘You’re Fired’: Jeremy Corbyn and What People Want to Say to the Political Classes
Continue Reading ‘You’re Fired’: Jeremy Corbyn and What People Want to Say to the Political Classes