Culture in Scotland in the midst of storms: A Call for Dangerous Cultures
Culture in Scotland in the midst of storms: A Call for Dangerous Cultures Gerry Hassan Bella Caledonia, March 16th 2018 Culture in Scotland is in difficult times: public spending cuts, the lost decade of stagnant living standards for the vast majority of people, limits to the Scottish Government’s largesse and devolution powers, controversy over Creative Scotland’s decision making and funding priorities resulting in the debate over the future of the Scottish Youth Theatre - and much more (with some questioning the continued existence of Creative Scotland). If you think these are dangerous waters you ain’t seen nothing yet. While some
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Michael Marra: The Bard of Dundee and Modern Scotland
Michael Marra: The Bard of Dundee and Modern Scotland Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, December 13th 2017 Michael Marra – musician, artist and force for good – was a precious Scottish gem. He was unique in his art but also in his delivery and style; singularly understated, modest and often humble to the extent that at times he hugely underpromoted himself and his work. It is worthwhile celebrating that the writer James Robertson has contributed his time and intelligence to produce a biography of Marra - ‘Michael Marra: Arrest This Moment’. This is a fascinating book, and important beyond the subject
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