Time to close the last closed shop: Britain’s and Scotland’s private schools
Time to close the last closed shop: Britain and Scotland’s private schools Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, 13 February 2019 Britain’s elites have never been more self-serving, self-sustaining and only interested in looking after themselves – aided by private education. All of a sudden the subject of private schools is back on the public agenda, aided by a decade of austerity, stalled living standards and the evaporation of social mobility. This has brought home to many who would not have previously thought of it the role of private education in looking after a very select and privileged few. Britain’s elites according
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The coming rebellion against the world of the Sunday Times ‘Rich List’
The coming rebellion against the world of the Sunday Times ‘Rich List’ Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, May 16th 2018 Starting in 1988, The Sunday Times ‘Rich List’ is now in its 30th year. It has survived and prospered through all sorts of political seasons and economic social periods, from the high point of Thatcherism and ‘Loadsamoney’ to New Labour’s own embracing of the super rich, and the slow turning against the grotesque excesses and indulgences of such forces. And yet here we are, nearly a decade after the banking crash and years of static and falling living standards for most,
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Psychologists of the World Unite: You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Guilt!
Psychologists of the World Unite: You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Guilt! Gerry Hassan The Scotsman, January 1st 2011 Once upon a time how we saw the world was filled with certainty: economics, class and collectives. Now we live in a more uncertain, fluid age shaped by individualism, change and seeing ourselves as consumers. Along with this shift has come a new mantra – one signed up to by both New Labour and the Cameroon Conservatives: the power of psychology. Psychology as the new zeitgeist has been a long time coming. One can go back to the rise of
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