The ‘F’ word rears its head again: Federalism and Labour
Continue Reading The ‘F’ word rears its head again: Federalism and Labour

Jeremy Corbyn in Scotland: What he should say about Broken Britain
Continue Reading Jeremy Corbyn in Scotland: What he should say about Broken Britain

Kezia Dugdale and the Jungle that is the Scottish Labour ‘Family’
Continue Reading Kezia Dugdale and the Jungle that is the Scottish Labour ‘Family’

Labour could be the future but is feeling a bit too self-satisfied with itself
Continue Reading Labour could be the future but is feeling a bit too self-satisfied with itself

Scottish Labour after Dugdale and what comes next?
Continue Reading Scottish Labour after Dugdale and what comes next?

Does the appeal of Corbyn in Scotland hold the keys to Downing Street?
Continue Reading Does the appeal of Corbyn in Scotland hold the keys to Downing Street?

The Limits of the Ruth Davidson Show

A new era of Scottish politics has begun: The Forward March of the SNP Halted?
Continue Reading A new era of Scottish politics has begun: The Forward March of the SNP Halted?

Build It and They Will Come: Scotland and Independence after the election
Continue Reading Build It and They Will Come: Scotland and Independence after the election

The Winner Doesn’t Take It All: Phoney War or the Beginning of a New Era?
Continue Reading The Winner Doesn’t Take It All: Phoney War or the Beginning of a New Era?