From the ‘How’ to the ‘Why’ of Scottish Independence
From the ‘How’ to the ‘Why’ of Scottish Independence Gerry Hassan The Scotsman, October 29th 2011 Scottish independence was once viewed as an eccentric, maverick subject, something not to be taken seriously or mentioned in polite society. Well no more. The unionist parties talk at the moment of nothing else, and even the self-obsessed London political class and media have noted that something is happening. After years of ignoring independence, now they want instant answers, detail and a vote – all on their terms. The ‘how’ of Scottish independence has become nearly universally accepted, and we have quickly moved
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Ian Davidson, the Labour-SNP Divide and the Language of Violence
Ian Davidson, the Labour-SNP Divide and the Language of Violence Gerry Hassan Bella Caledonia, October 28th 2011 Does the recent Ian Davidson-Eilidh Whiteford controversy matter? Is it a storm in a political teacup? Or does it reflect something wider and more sinister in our culture? First, there are the alleged words of Ian Davidson, Labour MP for Glasgow South West, about giving a woman, Eilidh Whiteford, SNP Banff and Buchan MP, ‘a doing’, meaning threatening actual physical violence and abuse. This does sound like the sort of thing that Davidson could say; he has form with using aggressive, hard,
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The Twilight of the British State: Alex Salmond, Scottish Independence and the European Question
The Twilight of the British State: Alex Salmond, Scottish Independence and the European Question Gerry Hassan Open Democracy, October 28th 2011 This is a fascinating and fast moving period of politics, at a global, European, British and Scottish level, challenging many of the most deep-seated and unexamined assumptions held across the political spectrum. In the last week we have seen the euphoric SNP conference at Inverness showing a party on the crest of a wave which seems to think that the future is within its grasp. Then we have at Westminster the return of the popular bogeyman – Eurosceptism

A Post-Nationalist Politics for the Nationalist Movement
A Post-Nationalist Politics for the Nationalist Movement Gerry Hassan The Scotsman, October 22nd 2011 The SNP gathering at Inverness is an historic occasion for the party with a discernable feeling that this is their moment and that nearly anything, including independence, is possible. International dignitaries, corporates and lots of hangers on are evidence of the SNP’s importance. Even the UK media in one of their episodic fits have noticed Scotland and the SNP with various correspondents scuttling north and dusting down their clichés. Inverness catches the SNP in transition. They have mastered the art of government and even more
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Modern Life Isn’t Rubbish: How do we celebrate Scotland while acknowledging complexity?
Modern Life Isn’t Rubbish: How do we celebrate Scotland while acknowledging complexity? Gerry Hassan The Scotsman, September 10th 2011 Modern life is filled with anxiety, doubt and worry, and yet, for many, modern life has never been better. In Scotland, this predicament is pronounced. Supporters of the SNP and self-government feel this is the culmination of years of struggle: the belief that we have an opportunity for Scotland to break free and regain its nationhood. Labour and unionist opponents emphasis the uncertainty, coming cuts, and what they claim is the absence of a Nationalist vision of independence. Both

The ‘Forward March’ of Scottish Nationalism and the End of Britain As We Know It
The ‘Forward March’ of Scottish Nationalism and the End of Britain As We Know It Gerry Hassan Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy, Summer 2011 Introduction Scotland has been changed dramatically and fundamentally. The SNP landslide victory has resulted in a completely different political map of Scotland. This is a wider set of changes than just a northern, near-foreign politics of little real interest to the Westminster village. For a start there is the demise of the Labour hegemony north of the border. This is part of a deeper crisis of the British political class and state, British identity
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The Changing Tory Story of Scotland and the Union
The Changing Tory Story of Scotland and the Union Gerry Hassan The Scotsman, July 16th 2011 While the British media and political classes have obsessed over the mega-story of the crisis of the Murdoch empire and parallel state within a state, the constitutional debate about Scotland has quietly and yet profoundly moved on. The Conservatives have a long and proud tradition in relation to the politics of the union. This doesn’t mean they haven’t made serious errors of judgement at points, whether in Ireland or post-war decolonisation. Taking a wider view there has been a potent Tory account of
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The State of the Union Debate
The State of the Union Debate Gerry Hassan Open Democracy, July 5th 2011 BBC Newsnight addressed the difficult issue of the state of the union. Up for discussion was how we all get on with each other, Scottish nationalism, the English dimension, the four nations, the meaning of the union, and issue of Europe (1). The BBC had conducted a poll of English respondents with Com Res (2) which found that 36% thought Scotland should be independent with 48% disagreeing. There was a general feeling of ambiguity about the consequences of this. 19% thought England would be better off

The Strange Death of Labour Scotland
The Strange Death of Labour Scotland Gerry Hassan Chartist, July/August 2011 Things have changed dramatically in Scotland. Our political map has altered completely. The Nationalist landslide has carried nearly all before it, winning in areas it never thought possible. Labour have been pushed back to a few isolated pockets, overwhelmed even in its former West of Scotland heartland. It is possible to note the limits of the SNP’s appeal at the moment of their greatest triumph (45.4% on FPTP vote), just as it was salutary to do with New Labour in 97 and Thatcher in 87. This is

The Death of Positive Unionism: Ten Reasons why there will be a Single Scots Referendum Vote
The Death of Positive Unionism: Ten Reasons why there will be a Single Scots Referendum Vote Gerry Hassan The possibility that the UK Government was going to play it straight in the debate on Scotland’s constitutional future was always non-existent. As was David Cameron’s much lauded aim that he would focus on the positive case for the union. With just over one month since the SNP landslide the role of uncompromising unionism has been taken up by Lib Dem Michael Moore, Scottish Secretary of State. He has come out in support of the need for two independence referendum votes, one