Does Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP have the courage to challenge and her own side?
Does Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP have the courage to challenge Scotland and her own side? Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, September 4th 2016 This week First Minister Nicola Sturgeon launched a major new initiative on independence. At the moment she is playing for time – waiting to see the developing post-Brexit landscape, Theresa May’s hand with Article 50 and the broad outline of the deal the UK is proposing with the EU. There are numerous factors at work. Sturgeon has to be seen doing something. She has to appear in charge and doing something on independence. Plus there is the
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Every Year When the World Comes to Scotland
Every Year When the World Comes to Scotland Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, August 28th 2016 At the end of every summer Edinburgh becomes a global village - walking down any street or lane entails coming across numerous nationalities, languages and different cultures. Streets are packed with tourists, sightseers, and cultural backpackers; there are performances in every nook and cranny of the city centre, and all sorts of impromptu and free shows going on all around. All of this puts Edinburgh and Scotland on the cultural map unlike anything else. It generates large amounts of revenue for the city and wider
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What does the British Summer of Olympic Success mean?
What does the British Summer of Olympic Success mean? Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, August 21st 2016 Rio 2016 has made the headlines. Before the games, there was the backstory of the Brazilian lack of preparation, corruption and wasting of billions in a country without basic sanitation and health facilities for millions of its population. As the games got underway, one of the big stories became that of British success – as medal after medal was won, with Team GB achieving second place in the medals table ahead of the Chinese and in its final tally exceeding the number of medals
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The Problem with Britain and Why It Can’t Be Tidily Put Back Together
The Problem with Britain and Why It Can’t Be Tidily Put Back Together Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, August 14th 2016 Britain throughout its history has had a reputation for stability and security. This after all was one of the main clarion calls in the indyref and, more recently, the Brexit vote, but this has always been a bit of a myth and is now increasingly fictitious. In the European referendum and its aftermath, much of the discussion that occurred repeatedly - supposedly about the country, its challenges and future - wasn’t actually about the UK, but instead about England. This
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The SNP’s Depute Leadership Contest could aid a more honest version of independence and post-Brexit politics
The SNP’s Depute Leadership Contest could aid a more honest version of independence and post-Brexit politics Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, August 7th 2016 The SNP is about to have a leadership election. A depute leader contest. Given the SNP is in government in Holyrood - with 63 out of 129 MSPs - and last year won 56 out of 59 Westminster seats, this will have some impact. Rarely do Deputy Leaders count in parties. Labour has had one since 1922 and none were that important: John Prescott didn’t restrain Blair, and Tom Watson can’t show Corbyn the door. Tories don’t

The Named Persons legislation and who stands up for liberty in Scotland?
The Named Persons legislation and who stands up for liberty in Scotland? Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, July 31st 2016 The summer of 2016 is proving dramatic and historic. Brexit, David Cameron resignation as PM, Theresa May becoming the new PM, Jeremy Corbyn’s travails. That’s just Britain. Across the world there is Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, violent and terrorist attacks in Germany and France, Putin flexing his muscles, while a belligerent China shows its power in the South China Sea. Meanwhile, the Scottish Government has been playing an astute game on Brexit. This week Nicola Sturgeon spoke in a way no
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The Labour Party: that pillar of the British constitution doesnt have a right to exist
The Labour Party: that pillar of the British constitution doesn’t have a right to exist Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, July 25th 2016 Politics requires a credible opposition that holds government to account. One that offers the prospect of an alternative government – but now, and for the foreseeable future, Scotland and the UK is without one. This is due to the state of Labour. The last year has been one of the most disastrous in the party’s history. A second election defeat, Scotland lost - and then Brexit. And after last year’s defeat the party curled up even more in

A Very British Coup: The rise of Theresa May could see the end of the UK
A Very British Coup: The rise of Theresa May could see the end of the UK Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, July 17th 2006 Theresa May became the UK Prime Minister this week – elected on a mandate of 199 Tory MPs in what amounted to a very British coup. She is only Britain’s second ever woman Prime Minister, following in the footsteps of Margaret Thatcher. But in other respects she follows Gordon Brown as the twelfth PM in the last 100 years who has entered Downing Street without a popular mandate. Jeremy Corbyn is clinging on as Labour leader –
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This is the Age of Groupthink Britain and it is increasingly being found out
This is the Age of Groupthink Britain and it is increasingly been found out Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, July 10th 2016 When has British politics ever been in such a state of flux? The Tories, UKIP and English and Welsh Greens in leadership contests; the Labour Party in a series of convulsions from top to bottom; Brexit; and now thirteen years after the UK went to war in Iraq finally comes the publication of Chilcot. The Tories do know how to utilise a crisis. It is one of the reasons that they are one of the most successful electoral
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Is this the beginning of the end of Britain?
Is this the beginning of the end of Britain? Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, July 3rd 2016 It may not be the beginning of the end of the UK quite yet. But it is the end of British politics - and Britain, as we know it. The British state faces its biggest geo-political set of challenges in generations. Blair and Iraq, Anthony Eden and Suez pale compared to this in terms of damage to the UK’s reputation, and only Neville Chamberlain and Munich, and Lord North’s loss of the American colonies, are in any way in the same league.
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