A Letter to Scotland’s New Radicals
A Letter to Scotland’s New Radicals Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, July 9th 2014 Radical Scotland’s re-emergence and re-invigoration around the independence referendum has been one of the most welcome and positive occurrences for many years in Scottish politics. This is a real challenge and change from the predictable stale menu which has been passed off as our political debate and choices for decades. This is even more true of what has presented itself as radical and left politics. An array of groups, networks and initiatives of which the most prominent are National Collective, the Radical Independence Campaign and Jimmy

The Rise of a Very Different Nation: The Emergence of ‘the Third Scotland’
The Rise of a Very Different Nation: The Emergence of ‘the Third Scotland’ Gerry Hassan The Guardian, April 23rd 2014 The Scottish independence referendum has in the past few months become more alive and interesting. The polls have narrowed markedly and what was previously seen by many on the pro-union side as a mere formality has become a real competitive contest. Such a swift transformation has left most of the British political classes and media struggling to catch up with events. But it has also left large parts of pro-union Scotland feeling bewildered and disorientated at the pace of change.
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