Jim Murphy’s ‘Clause Four’ Moment and ‘Putting Scotland First’
Jim Murphy’s ‘Clause Four’ Moment and ‘Putting Scotland First’ Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, January 11th 2015 Jim Murphy has to do some simple things right now - as well as some difficult ones. He has to get noticed, cause a noise and get up certain people’s noses. Murphy faces some significant challenges. He has a short time span in which to make an impact on, and make a difference to, Labour’s electoral prospects for the May 7th UK general election - and how it is seen by the electorate. Both are tough asks. Who was the last Scottish Labour leader
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The Arrival of Jim Murphy and Scottish Labour’s Challenge
The Arrival of Jim Murphy and Scottish Labour’s Challenge Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, December 14th 2014 A once impregnable organisation is in trouble and lost its way. It yearns for a now distant golden age and has continual problems of leadership and falling ratings. The above is about Glasgow Rangers FC, but it could be equally true of Scottish Labour. Two pillars of the Scottish establishment now on hard times. Scottish Labour yesterday elected Jim Murphy as its seventh leader in fifteen years, and Kezia Dugdale as deputy leader. That degree of change is the mark of an institution where
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