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Bad history leads to bad politics – from Trump to Brexit and Scotland
Continue Reading Bad history leads to bad politics – from Trump to Brexit and Scotland

Understanding and defeating the argument for the union in twelve steps
Continue Reading Understanding and defeating the argument for the union in twelve steps

We need to talk about sexism in Scotland

Independence as the New Majority and the work that still needs to be done
Continue Reading Independence as the New Majority and the work that still needs to be done

The aftermath of the Alex Salmond trial and Kirsty Wark’s take on Scotland
Continue Reading The aftermath of the Alex Salmond trial and Kirsty Wark’s take on Scotland

After the COVID recession: The age of conservatism is coming to an end
Continue Reading After the COVID recession: The age of conservatism is coming to an end

The rise and fall of civil society in Scotland
Continue Reading The rise and fall of civil society in Scotland

The Real Divided Scotland: Time to get serious about class and inequality
Continue Reading The Real Divided Scotland: Time to get serious about class and inequality

The SNP, Salmond and Sturgeon and the limits of court politics
Continue Reading The SNP, Salmond and Sturgeon and the limits of court politics

Scottish Tory Troubles at the top, in the party and in the unionist cause
Continue Reading Scottish Tory Troubles at the top, in the party and in the unionist cause