More than ever we need to come together and celebrate collective joy
More than ever we need to come together and celebrate collective joy Gerry Hassan Sunday National, December 27th 2020 These are not exactly the happiest of times the world over - with crises, worry and anxiety all around us. In such circumstances never more have we needed to find light and hope, optimism and joy. As important in an age of loneliness and isolation is reaching out to others, recognising that we are more than mere individuals and are part of something bigger than ourselves – whether it be different communities and places. Over a decade ago the American writer
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What will art, culture and sport look like after the virus?
What will art, culture and sport look like after the virus? Gerry Hassan Sunday National, April 26th 2020 The UK economy and life as we know it are undergoing the kind of fundamental shock the like of which we have never seen in living memory. The only comparisons of similar economic and human carnage in peacetime are of the depression of 1920-21 and Great Depression at the end of the 1920s. Literally we are living through what Naomi Klein called ‘the shock doctrine’ of ‘disaster capitalism’ at a vastly accelerated pace. All of this raises questions about what life will
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What comes after Creative Scotland?
What comes after Creative Scotland? Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, August 1st 2018 Festival time is upon us again in Edinburgh. The yearly jamboree of the various Festivals and Fringe take over our capital city, bring a select part of the world to our shores, and give a platform which presents a vibrant, dynamic Scotland on an international stage. At the same time all is not exactly well in the official world of culture in Scotland. Two weeks ago, the publically funded body, Creative Scotland, lost its second head, Janet Archer, in its relatively short history. Archer resigned after a

Culture in Scotland in the midst of storms: A Call for Dangerous Cultures
Culture in Scotland in the midst of storms: A Call for Dangerous Cultures Gerry Hassan Bella Caledonia, March 16th 2018 Culture in Scotland is in difficult times: public spending cuts, the lost decade of stagnant living standards for the vast majority of people, limits to the Scottish Government’s largesse and devolution powers, controversy over Creative Scotland’s decision making and funding priorities resulting in the debate over the future of the Scottish Youth Theatre - and much more (with some questioning the continued existence of Creative Scotland). If you think these are dangerous waters you ain’t seen nothing yet. While some
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Time to Put the Culture into Creative Scotland
Time to Put the Culture into Creative Scotland Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, February 7th 2018 Creative Scotland’s latest stramash has again brought arts funding, decision-making and the role of the organisation centrestage. It is a recurring problem. After the good news story before Christmas, of Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop announcing - against expectations - a real terms increase in the funding of Creative Scotland, all seemed for a brief period sweetness and light. Then came the announcement on 25 January for Regularly Funding Organisations (RFOs), who have a three-year funding cycle, of significant cuts in a host of success stories
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