This is the Age of Groupthink Britain and it is increasingly being found out
This is the Age of Groupthink Britain and it is increasingly been found out Gerry Hassan Sunday Mail, July 10th 2016 When has British politics ever been in such a state of flux? The Tories, UKIP and English and Welsh Greens in leadership contests; the Labour Party in a series of convulsions from top to bottom; Brexit; and now thirteen years after the UK went to war in Iraq finally comes the publication of Chilcot. The Tories do know how to utilise a crisis. It is one of the reasons that they are one of the most successful electoral
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The anger about the Iraq Disaster isn’t just about Iraq and Blair
The anger about the Iraq Disaster isn’t just about Iraq and Blair Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, July 7th 2016 It is hard to envisage now but once upon a time Tony Blair was an eager to please, likeable, pragmatic politician. In 1997 he caught the mood of the times and led Labour to an election victory of historic proportions, and inflicted the worst ever defeat on the Conservatives, which they took more than a decade to recover from. At that year’s Labour conference Alastair Campbell, Blair’s Head of Communications, leaked a private poll which revealed that Blair had a 93%
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