The Tory Party has long has a contempt for the people. Until Boris Johnson they used to be better at hiding it
The Tory Party has long had a contempt for the people. Until Boris Johnson they used to be better at hiding it Gerry Hassan The National, 16 November 2021 The whiff of Tory sleaze, decay and arrogance is all around; Boris Johnson is clearly revealed as the chancer politician that everyone knew he was. But while the air is full of scandal much is passed off as caused by Johnson alone or by a few badly-behaved Tories, the problem is much deeper. British Toryism has always had a contempt for the people. Until Johnson they were rather good at hiding

Luftwaffle: The Trashing of the Last Good Story of Britain
Luftwaffle: The Trashing of the Last Good Story of Britain Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, 13 October 2021 The Second World War looms large in the life of Britain. Never a day passes without a politician, public figure or celebrity making some crass reference to the war, linking it to the present convulsions and challenges which the UK faces. Once upon a time World War Two references were few and far between, and chosen with care and humility. This was undoubtedly true for the immediate decades after the war of 1945-65 – a period which ended with the death of
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How do we tell the stories of the past from generation to generation?
How do we tell the stories of the past from generation to generation? Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, May 22nd 2019 A number of events happened in the last week that brought home t the passing of time and what really matters in life - and how we understand it (or not). First and foremost, I took my Auntie Betty, now aged 85, to the former fishing village of Auchmithie near Arbroath. Betty was the lifelong best friend of my mother, and not my natural auntie, but family in the best sense. She provides a major connection to my parents, gives
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