The Queen’s Jubilee is the time to have a debate about Britain’s atrophied democracy
The Queen’s Jubilee is the time to have a debate about Britain’s atrophied democracy Gerry Hassan The National, 4 January 2022 The monarchy goes to the heart of what the UK is and what it is to be British. It is strange then that most discussions try to avoid the implications and consequences that flow from the power, influence, status and role in public life of the monarchy. All of this will come to a head in 2022 with the Platinum Jubilee – marking the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth on the throne – on 6 February; then celebrated in

The Importance of ‘The Crown’ in understanding Post-War Britain
The Importance of ‘The Crown’ in understanding Post-War Britain Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, November 18th 2020 The British Royal Family sit at the centre of the British establishment and at the heart of British national identity and history. ‘The Crown’ series thus has an importance unlike most TV series, with the new season just released on Netflix and already creating waves. Previous episodes have caused significant ripples and comment. But this series has seen the Palace and its acolytes go into hyper-drive, taking issue with its overall portrayal of the Royal Family and disputing some of the details. Season Four
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The Royal Family Story is more than mere soap opera
The Royal Family Story is more than mere soap opera Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, January 15th 2020 The world of 2020 is filled with important events and news: the Iran-US conflict, Australian bush fires sweeping the continent, and the ongoing Brexit process. Yet what story has dominated the UK media to a claustrophobic and obsessional degree in the early days of the new year? The answer is none of the above but the ongoing crises of the Royal Family engendered by Harry and Meghan’s declaration of semi-independence. This saga has nearly everything for the modern media including familiar reference points,
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The Royal Family, Britishness and Living in Disneyland
The Royal Family, Britishness and Living in Disneyland Gerry Hassan Scottish Review, May 23rd 2018 The Royal Family are an important part of what it means to be British, and whether you like them or loath them, they are one of the few remaining national symbols of cohesion which unite lots of people. Yet the monarchy is more popular in some places than others. A recent Delta Poll for Policy Exchange showed that support for the monarchy ranged from 55% in England to 52% in Northern Ireland, 49% in Wales and 46% in Scotland. Asked if the monarchy was a
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