Toryism is bad for your health. Literally it kills
Continue Reading Toryism is bad for your health. Literally it kills

Is Britain Broken? And what should we do in this election and beyond?
Continue Reading Is Britain Broken? And what should we do in this election and beyond?

The Brexit Disaster is an Existential Crisis in the ‘Idea’ of Britain
Continue Reading The Brexit Disaster is an Existential Crisis in the ‘Idea’ of Britain

British politics, Misogyny and the Prejudice which festers in the Tories
Continue Reading British politics, Misogyny and the Prejudice which festers in the Tories

Britain and Scotland have changed: The Tory Story of Britain is Dead
Continue Reading Britain and Scotland have changed: The Tory Story of Britain is Dead

As Brexit Britain heads for the rocks what does Corbyn’s Labour stand for?
Continue Reading As Brexit Britain heads for the rocks what does Corbyn’s Labour stand for?

The World Has Been Turned Upside Down: The End of the Era of Robber Baron Capitalism

Brexit is turning Britain upside down – and Scotland has a chance to say No
Continue Reading Brexit is turning Britain upside down – and Scotland has a chance to say No

The Ireland Question is not just about Ireland, but a selective view of Britain
Continue Reading The Ireland Question is not just about Ireland, but a selective view of Britain

Is this the end game for Theresa May and Tory Britain?
Continue Reading Is this the end game for Theresa May and Tory Britain?